hey all...
i dunno la how nk gambarkan topik ni..
nk sedey ke or nk happy ke..
but wut i know..nk tanak kene jugak face the FINAL EXAM...
sebenarnye kite dah sgt2 takde mood nk study..
tibe2 kite jadi pemalas gile..
bygkan la..time busy2 exam ni bole lg berfacebook la..blog la..
hari ni kite punye first paper..Land Acquisition..
soalan die mak datok la punye panjang nk kene menjawab..
and actually hari ni kite down sikit sbb paper tu mcm tough..
and i just realized berjuta2 mistakes da kite buat.. T_T
anyway..nasi da jd bubur..
i just can hope i do better in the next 3 papers...
after this kite ade paper GIS..corporate real estate mgmt..property developmet..
GIS mmg ntah pape ntah kite blaja through out the semester..
no notes..pastu lecturer tu kate ade satu soalan killer yg die tak sempat ajar..
then how to do that?? haisshhh
corporate real estate??
lagi laaaaaaaa gileeeee...
i dun know wut the hell the lecturer was saying in the class..
lecturer die pon agak scary coz jap2 die kate mcm ni..jap2 die kate mcm tu..
mcm ade conflict identity pon ade...
property developmet??
ni ok sikit kot..
sbb lecturer ni baru je dpt title "DR"..
so die murah hati la bg kitorg mcm2 tips..ehehehehe!!
eventho i hate FiNaL ExaM like everybody else..
tibe2 rase sedey pon ade coz i just realized that this will be my final final exam..
after this will go out to face the reality...
Hmmm..Kalo diberi mase tmbhn lg 2 jam utk final PBT, blum tentu aku dpt jwp..Complicated tetp complicated...Killer tetp killer..
tau takpe..rase mcm nk nangis je..huhuhu..thanx a lot DR MAI
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