i always get this a lot..
being misinterprate just because of my body..how i look like and how i dress up..
no offense ye to all the guys out there..
but kite just tgh sedey and frust la bile kaum2 u all ni tgk kite just utk one thing only..
i think u guys understand wut i mean...
sedey la mcm ni :(
how am i ever gonna know bile guys tu sincere or not?
ke sebab my body..
ok..kite tau kite ni agak berisi and quite voluptuous jugak..
da tangkap cintan abis rupenye he is aftering to one thing..
my damn body..
kadang2 rase nk buat reduction surgery je so that mata2 kaum adam ni tak tertumpu pd tu je..
sedey la mcm ni...
especially kalau kite kene dgn org yg kite penah syg...
bile da end the relationship..benda tu je yg die ingat pasal kite
pasal body kite.. bukan pasal memories kite ngan die..
ape ni?? perlu ke??
to all the ladies out there...
sila buat pilihan yg bijak.. jgn terpedaya dgn janji manis lelaki ye..
trust me..i tot i met someone as sweet as angel..
rupe2nye as jerk as satan i would say..
to all the guys..
sorry if u guys felt offended by wut i say..
but think about it.. does this thing happen to u??
and if it does..sila la tgk ape effect die kt kaum hawa...
sile renung2kan..
to guys yg tak penah buat benda2 bodoh2 ni..
i salute u for that..
continue respecting women as u deserve to be respected..
no offence, tapi kalau pemakaian yang sopan akan mengubah pandangan lelaki terhadap kau...
and, try to be alert with surrounding...
tapi, kalau masa dinner kau nak pakai retro yang seksi pun apa salahnya..hehe...
ye apai..aku terima teguran kau dgn rela hati..maybe da cara brought up aku yg mcm ni.. nantikan kemunculan dressing aku kt dinner nanti yek :P
pedulik apa org nak cakap..
biar org terima kita sbb diri kita..
alaaa pasti ada someone yg betui2 hargai kau sbb kau..
so dun worry yay
satan si teeeeeeeeeeeettttt tu
berapi jak aku dgr kau cite tadi..
lelaki oh lelaki
kadang2 terfikir jugsk..
kes-kes lelaki gatal ni salah perempuan ke? i mean cube tgk case2 rogol sume.. adekah semua perempuan2 tu dressing maut?? i dun think so..so mane keadilannye bile lelaki menunding jari kt perempuan kerana cara kite dress up? dun they have the responsibility to respect women? as much as we respect them? hhmm.. mari kite renungkan bersama..
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