eceh!! mcm byk peminat jek!
ahahahaha (perasan! ;P)
ok2..hari ni kite nk cite pasal another person yg pernah singgah dlm hati kite..
his name is Muadz~
the first time i met muadz was like almost 10 years ago
my first impression kt die was eee comelnye!!
nak tau sbb pe??
haaa..tgk la die
kitorg start kwn2 sume but the first few years was like "hye muadz..bye muadz" je
then as time goes by we became really2 close..
mase tu die baru jek break ngan his gf..
die slalu la dtg lepak ngan kite..
lame2 kitorg rase best je bile ade ngan each other..
we felt the chemistry was quite strong..
we even have songs dedicated to each other..
paling kite tokle lupe lagu "verve pipe - freshment"
well.. wut we had was very2 special..
tp biase la sbb muadz ni sgt ramai la bitch2 yg dengki dgn our bond..
and they start to create stories yg nk melaga2kan kite n muadz..
and the sad part was muadz somehow believed them..
sedey gile kite...
tp kite takkan lupe how great it was to have muadz by my side..
we were always laughing and always making each others' day better..
everyday i miss having all the fun with him..
thank god la skarang ni me n muadz still in a good pace
eventho die da ade gf skarang..
to muadz..u r such a great person..
someone yg change how i believe in someways..
luv u babe! and been missing you everyday ;)
Part 2 aku dh tlg bcekan utk ko ko xpyh la selak lg.hhahaha
ahahaha!! cehhh!! siot jek korang
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