Hey All~
Wahh!! as usual lah would like to apologize for not posting any new entry..
huhuhu.. busy lorh..
nk update blog kene curik2 takot boss nampak..
anyway..today kite nk cerita pasal unexpected thing dat happen in my life
as u all know la.. things were not going so well in terms of relationship
nk bring it up to this blog pon rase mcm malu gak..
but blog is for u to share good times and bad times kan?
so now good things happen and it is happening right this minute..
unexpectedly me is feeling loved again
eee!! rase malu plak nk ckp
mane taknye asyik fall in love je..
tp yang lastingnye takde pon..
i know and i'm aware of all that...
tp nk buat mcm mane.. bukan kite yg mintak benda mcm ni jadik kan?
to tell you guys the truth FEAR mmg ade..
sape tak takot.. dah byk kali kene kan?
tp i need to be loved and love someone..
this guy i met..
hmmm..mmg tak expect langsung dat it will turn this way
mmg everything happen between us cepat sgt2 mcm bullet train!
but as for now we are trying to find the chemistry between us
and i never tot dat secepat ini kite ade rase syg kt die..
mmg x boleh kalau sehari x dpt text or calls from him..
heeeee (mode : gedik!) :P
i'm not ready to reveal him to the world yet..
those yg dah tau tu kire naseb la..
y tajuk entry hari ni Mr Takuya Kimura?
sbb mate die sepet mcm takuya kimura~!!!
tu yg kite kate mmg tak expect pon will have sumtink with this guy
sbb mata sepet bukan taste kite.. ahahahah!
dun worry die da tau.. :P
die ske manjekan kite..
best! best!
tp yg tak bestnye die kate suare kite mcm kartun!
siot btol! alih2 skang suare die pon da mcm kartun gak!
ahahahahaha!!! :P
he's funny and i felt so comfortable being near him..
die buat kite rase selamat..
kite da lame x rase mcm tu...
As for my Mr Takuya Kimura...
Please dun break my heart..
I know you dun want to..
let's cherish this relationship we are building forever...