Friday, May 6, 2011

This FeeLing I'm FeeLing...

This feeling i'm feeling..
it just doesn't feel right...
Is it a test from Dear God??
to see whether am i or not a true friend?
but it seems so hard..
i felt like she is not as sensitive as she used to be before..
what am I suppose to do?
I preferred to keep it silent but til when??
I dun like the interference that is happening now
it feels like i'm the outsider now..
like i dun belong in her life..
i dunno anything more now..
it's all to the other friend...
not accusing her but it seems like what is she trying to do now is to get my dear bestfriend
not cool..
not cool at all..
but she on the other hand..
seems okay with it...
what am i suppose to do?
to give answer to this feeling i'm feeling...

xxheart brokenxx

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Funny news from my Sis

kepada :Ili Amira Bt Zolkifli.... hari ini anak awak cik gebu @bubu name manje, buat hal yea... saya sedang membuka pintu grill rumah setelah pulang dari dentist.. dalam menahan kesakitan yang amat sgt dan apabila saya sedang mahu masuk kerumah saya terdgr seperti kucing bermeow-meow.. seluruh saya mencari dr mana datangnyer bunyi itu DAN apabila saya pandang pintu saya terkejut dgn apa yang saya lihat... anak awak sedang BERGAYUT di grill pintu rumah dan mengharap saya mengambil die kerana die gayat rupanyer... tetapi saya biarkan dia seketika dan sempat amik gmbr... baru la saya membawa cik gebu turun... die seperti trauma dan terus tdow... sekian berita terkini.

p/s: ahahahahahahaha!!!! klaka la bubu! i miss bubu! :'(

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Panas hati dgn MBSA!!!


Geramnye!!! Bongok punye MBSA!!!
Apahal ko saman aku?? bute ke tak nampak season pass aku tu valid lagi??
geram nih! bukan satu saman die bg.. sampai 2 skali!!
btw kepada yg taktau MBSA tu MAJLIS BANDARAYA SHAH ALAM yg sgt2 bengap!!

ade ke patut saman kite!
eee!! kalau kite jumpe la pegawai yg bute matanye tu x nampak kite punye pass
mmg kite cocok mata die kasik buta btol2!
dah la pegi kaunter bayar kt MBSA tu nk mintak cancelkan saman die ckp
"tertakluk pada penguatkuasa undang2 nk suro byr ke tanak"

kepala hotak kau!!!
panas hati!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mr. Takuya Kimura~

Hey All~

Wahh!! as usual lah would like to apologize for not posting any new entry..
huhuhu.. busy lorh..
nk update blog kene curik2 takot boss nampak..
hihihi!! kite nk cerita pasal unexpected thing dat happen in my life
as u all know la.. things were not going so well in terms of relationship
nk bring it up to this blog pon rase mcm malu gak..
but blog is for u to share good times and bad times kan?
so now good things happen and it is happening right this minute..


unexpectedly me is feeling loved again
eee!! rase malu plak nk ckp
mane taknye asyik fall in love je..
tp yang lastingnye takde pon..
i know and i'm aware of all that...
tp nk buat mcm mane.. bukan kite yg mintak benda mcm ni jadik kan?
to tell you guys the truth FEAR mmg ade..
sape tak takot.. dah byk kali kene kan?
tp i need to be loved and love someone..

this guy i met..
hmmm..mmg tak expect langsung dat it will turn this way
mmg everything happen between us cepat sgt2 mcm bullet train!
but as for now we are trying to find the chemistry between us
and i never tot dat secepat ini kite ade rase syg kt die..
mmg x boleh kalau sehari x dpt text or calls from him..
heeeee (mode : gedik!) :P

i'm not ready to reveal him to the world yet..
those yg dah tau tu kire naseb la..

y tajuk entry hari ni Mr Takuya Kimura?
sbb mate die sepet mcm takuya kimura~!!!
tu yg kite kate mmg tak expect pon will have sumtink with this guy
sbb mata sepet bukan taste kite.. ahahahah!
dun worry die da tau.. :P

die ske manjekan kite..
best! best!
tp yg tak bestnye die kate suare kite mcm kartun!
siot btol! alih2 skang suare die pon da mcm kartun gak!
ahahahahaha!!! :P

he's funny and i felt so comfortable being near him..
die buat kite rase selamat..
kite da lame x rase mcm tu...

As for my Mr Takuya Kimura...
Please dun break my heart..
I know you dun want to..
let's cherish this relationship we are building forever...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Peristiwa Hilang Purse.. Again!!!


Haish! Pada tanggal 18 Febuari 2011...
Kite dgn rase bersalahnye dah mengulangi kesilapan dulu

Ceritanye begini...

Mama sy call...
"Along dont forget tonite we have's birthday (adik sepupu kite)"
kite pon jawab
"Ok mama"

Mase tu still sebok kat ofis..
tgh rushing2 siapkan keje utk appointment esok harinye
skali tgk jam
mak aii!!!
harus pulang nih!!!

so kite balik apartment and siap2 sume dgn keadaan yg sgt rushing..
bawak kete toksah cakap lah!
kalah la sume F1 driver..speed trap sume kene agaknye!
sampai jek kat tol..mule lah sesi meraba handbag carik purse..
tgk2 takde!!!!!!!!!

mane purse nih!
menggelabah gile! dah la kat tol!
aiyo! mule la kite buat muke seposen kat abang tol yang tak kurang kacaknye (sempat!)

"Abang! purse saye hilang la! baru perasan ni..."

abang tu pon ntah ape die mengomel dgn kawan die kt sebelah menjawab..

"Takpelah dik..jalan je"

seb baik!!! :p

call ofis..
mane la tau tertinggal kat ofis ke sbb mase tu mmg gi lunch bwk purse jek
ofis kate xde.. dah puas diorg carik..

kite pon mmg confident la ade kt rumah shah alam nih..
tercicir mase nk kluar td..
carry on la dgn dinner yg mmg da lambat nk pegi tuh..
mmg dgn niat on the way back tu nk gi shah alam balik la carik purse
ditemani oleh geng2 terr and derr kite (sbb lesen takde..takut nk drive mlm sorg2)
gi la carik kat rumah shah alam...

dengan lafaz bismillah bukak pintu rumah..
tgk2 takde jugak!!!!!
wwwwaaaa!!!! mane nih!!!
teringat balik peristiwa handbag kene seluk pd 31 december 2009 pukul 5 ptg!
mampus! kene buat IC baru..lesen..ATM card sume!

susah hati sungguh..
dah la the next day appointment tak ingat punye byk..
tak bole tido kite malam tu..

tp hati berat ckp mesti ade kt ofis ni sbb kite xde appointment siang tu
so i've decided to go to my office to check
mane la tau diorg terlepas pandang ke..
mama kite pesan baca2 sket ayat utk permudahkan carik brg tu..


kite nampak purse kite terselit tepi cpu...
ehehehehe! lega gile!
tp ATM card da block!!
wwwaaa!! miskin sekejap!
seb baik la ade duit lg kt dlm purse tuh..

moral of the story..
bak kate kwn saye en. Azri..
always check for ur phone and wallet b4 go out..


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Leave me alone!!!!!!!

to you know who...

Yes i admit i used to date him but only after i know about your existence i've decided to end the relationship..but you know what? he refuse... he said dat u guys are not in good pace and about to broke up..kalau die tanak mengaku then itu bukan masalah saye.. tp sy ade ade kwn2 yang mmg tau kewujudan die dlm hidup now between me and him dah lame dah over..and i would appreciate if you dun disturbed me at all! tak payah la nk add2 me kat fb coz mmg takde satu pon gambar die dlm my fb..only me and family and friends... i dun think i should apologize about anything because i'm not the one yang patut mintak's your beloved bf yang patut mintak maaf to u and to me coz he's been one piece of crap and a big fucking liar.. so lepas ni tlg jgn ganggu hidup tak kisah pon awk nk amik die..tu mmg hak awk.. tp mmg sy mengaku sy penah dgn die utk beberapa bulan.. but IT'S OVERRRRR... and i'm moving on and not turning back..

Monday, December 13, 2010

Yasmi Abdul Hamid....

Yasmi Abdul Hamid is one of the person i cant life without
She is the reason why i am standing strong to face this cruel life..

there is no way i'm gonna find someone like her..ever!

she is always there through ups and downs
through her i've learned to forgive and forget
(well actually the forget part tu still working on it)

Byk jugak org dengki our friendship ni..
but for me as long as we trust and understand each other
there wont be anything can break our friendship
that is wut important in a friendship
understanding and trust..

the thing about mimi
she knows me very well
she knows how to respect, to comfort and to advice me..
and she will always try her best to be there for me
me too..
i will definitely leave anything else behind for her..
i trully hope dat my friendship with her will stay strong until the day we die..

Yasmi abd hamid..
i love you!
thank you for every single thing you do for me